⚠️ This study is no longer recruiting participants. This information is provided for reference purposes only.
OBERON Study: COPD Exacerbators IL-33 Antibody/ Tozorakimab
The OBERON study investigated a new IL-33 antibody treatment (Tozorakimab) for COPD patients who experience frequent exacerbations (flare-ups). This trial aimed to reduce the frequency and severity of COPD exacerbations using a novel approach.
Key Inclusion Criteria
- Age: ≥ 40 years
- COPD diagnosis: ≥ 1 year prior to enrollment
- Lung function:
- Post-bronchodilator FEV1/FVC < 0.70
- Post-bronchodilator FEV1 > 20% of predicted normal value
- Exacerbation history (within 12 months prior to enrollment):
- ≥ 2 moderate exacerbations OR ≥ 1 severe exacerbation
- At least one treated with systemic corticosteroids
- Occurred while on stable dual or triple maintenance therapy
- Current treatment: Stable dose of optimized inhaled maintenance therapy for ≥ 3 months (Triple therapy (ICS/LABA/LAMA) or dual therapy if triple not indicated/contraindicated)
- Smoking history: ≥ 10 pack-years
- Symptom severity: CAT total score ≥ 10, Phlegm and cough items each scored ≥ 2 at screening and randomization
- Compliance: ≥ 70% compliance with maintenance inhaled therapy during screening
Study Outcomes
This study has concluded enrollment and is in the data analysis phase. For information about current or upcoming clinical trials for COPD exacerbations, please contact our research team.