AIRLYMPUS Study: Testing Lunsekimig for High-Risk Asthma
The AIRLYMPUS study is investigating Lunsekimig, an innovative biologic medication that simultaneously targets both IL-13 and TSLP pathways for patients with asthma and elevated T2 inflammation. This dual-targeting approach may provide improved control for patients with high-risk asthma who haven't responded adequately to current treatments.
What is T2 inflammation?
Type 2 (T2) inflammation is a specific immune response pattern involved in allergic and inflammatory conditions like asthma. It's characterized by increased levels of inflammatory cells and proteins such as eosinophils, IgE antibodies, and cytokines including IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13. Patients with elevated T2 inflammation often experience more severe asthma symptoms and frequent exacerbations.
Eligibility Criteria
- Age: 18 years or older
- Confirmed diagnosis of asthma
- Evidence of elevated T2 inflammation (such as elevated blood eosinophils, FeNO, or IgE)
- History of asthma exacerbations despite current therapy
- Inadequate asthma control on current treatment
- Non-smoker or former smoker (quit > 6 months ago) with less than 10 pack-years smoking history
Exclusion Criteria
- Current smoker or recent ex-smoker (within past 6 months)
- Diagnosis of other significant respiratory disorders (COPD, bronchiectasis, etc.)
- Recent significant asthma exacerbation (within past 4 weeks)
- Treatment with other biologic therapy within 4-5 half-lives prior to enrollment
- History of hypersensitivity to similar biologic agents
- Active parasitic infection
- Significant uncontrolled medical conditions
Study Procedures
If you qualify for the AIRLYMPUS study, you will:
- Receive either Lunsekimig or placebo by subcutaneous injection
- Attend regular study visits for monitoring and assessments
- Complete questionnaires about your asthma symptoms and quality of life
- Undergo pulmonary function tests (PFTs) to evaluate your lung function
- Have blood and other laboratory tests
- Keep an electronic diary to track your symptoms and medication use
Potential Benefits
- Access to an investigational medication targeting both IL-13 and TSLP pathways
- Comprehensive asthma care and monitoring throughout the study
- All study-related care provided at no cost to you
- Potential improvement in asthma symptoms and reduction in exacerbations
- Contributing to the advancement of asthma treatment options
Study Duration
The AIRLYMPUS study will last approximately 52 weeks (1 year), with an additional follow-up period. You will need to attend approximately 14-16 study visits during this time.